Trying to get
$class = 'MyClass';
$class::classname() - MyClass not found
So, is it possible? Or are there other options?
public function actionMultiUpdate($module)
if (isset($_REQUEST['multiedit']) && count($_REQUEST['multiedit'])) {
foreach ($_REQUEST['multiedit'] as $id => $data) {
$model = $module::findOne($id);
$model->weight = $data['weight'];
You can use call_user_func to run a static method with the string class name. For example:
class Myclass
public static function classname() {
return __CLASS__;
$class = 'MyClass';
echo call_user_func([$class, 'classname']);
Also if you want to pass variables into a static method you should pass them in the second parameter. For example:
class MyClass
public static function doSomething($value1, $value2)
return $value1 . ' and ' . $value2;
$class = 'MyClass';
echo call_user_func([$class, 'doSomething'], 'first value', 'second value');