I am building a Release Pipeline on Azure DevOps. Part of my release is to copy a bunch of files to the Azure VM. As far as I understand, the target machine needs to have PowerShell 5986 port open.
I have a VM with port 5986 open (I verified that by invoking remotely some commands on this VM with "PowerShell on Target Machines" task). I added "Windows Machine File Copy" task and filled fields: - Source - Machines - Admin Login - Password - Destination Folder
In "Machines" field, I put IP of the target machine.
As a result of running the release, I'm getting an error:
Failed to Create PSDrive with Destination: '\\\C$\TargetDirectory', ErrorMessage: 'The network path was not found' The network path was not found
I also tried to put IP address with a port, in this form:
Then, I got this error:
Cannot convert value "\" to type "System.Uri". Error: "Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed."
Documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/deploy/windows-machine-file-copy?view=azure-devops) says that IP address with a port is allowed.
What's the issue here?
The problem is because you can't use that task to copy files across Windows Domain boundary! That is to say, if you build on host A and want to copy files to host B, then A and B must be in the same Windows Domain, otherwise you'll get the error like
##[error]Failed to Create PSDrive with Destination: '\\your-server-name-or-ip\some\path', ErrorMessage: 'The network path was not found'
That is to say, if you're using a hosted agent, then you're not able to copy files with that task to any host you have, no matter it has a public IP or not, or a FQDN, because they are not in the same Windows Domain!
You have two options to work around it:
Last but not least, the document should really make it clear! It wasted me a lot of time on solving the problem!