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How to change the decimal format from dot to comma when reading parquet files?

I'm working with parquet files and in order to read them I'm using pd.read_parquet(). However, the numerical values in the file are using commas and it is misunderstanding the numbers.

How can I change the decimal sign from dot to comma?

Here my piece of code:

new_col = pa.parquet.read_table(filepath).to_pandas()
aux = pd.concat([aux, new_col])


                      X_Principal  Y_Principal  value_main  \
2016-01-27 15:15:00             1.0             4.0        11.020800   
2016-01-27 15:15:00             1.0             4.0        11.020800   
2016-01-27 15:15:00             1.0             4.0        36.408001   
2016-01-27 15:15:00             1.0             4.0        36.408001   
2016-01-27 15:30:00             1.0             4.0        12.004800 


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>  

The number on the column value should be something like 110.20800, for example.


  • Let's do some minimal reproducible experiment.

    Let's prepare some data:

    In [1]: df = pd .DataFrame({"a":["1,1", "1,2"],"b":[1,2]})                                                         
    In [2]: df.to_parquet("./df.parquet", compression="GZIP") 

    Let's check what do we have indeed:

    18:48:29 delete$ parquet-cat df.parquet 
    a = 1,1
    b = 1
    a = 1,2
    b = 2

    Then, let's read the data and cast column of concern to float:

    In [8]: df1 = pd.read_parquet("./df.parquet")                                                                                          
    In [9]: df1                                                                                                                            
         a  b
    0  1,1  1
    1  1,2  2
    In [10]: df1.a.str.replace(",",".").astype("float64")                                                                                  
    0    1.1
    1    1.2
    Name: a, dtype: float64

    As you can see, it's working on a parquet file with comma decimals.


    The data you added to your question does not quite coincide with the question itself. I think you should investigate closer what you have in parquet file, with tools like parquet-tool and if it reads correctly.