I have a xml data column. The XML data contains a form with different page headers. Each page has radio type values. I need to pick the value from one page and its values.
I need the value 'id' from Page topic='Outreach' under that, Question value="Type of Outreach", in that i need the id="1" value and also i need the id value from Question value="Reason for Assessment".
Below is the sample xml data.
<Test name="Assessment " header="" logoimg="" background="" icon="" firstPage="1" allow_abort="1" is_um="0" is_hidden="0" do_only="1" status="1" locale_id="0" version="74" category_id="150011" maxQuestionID="37" id="10234" force_start="0" user_name=" ggg bbb">
<PAGE topic="Outreach " progress="5" background="" headerid="" footerid="" flush_concepts="1" lastPage="false" id="1">
<NEXT_PAGE id="2" />
<QUESTION value="Type of Outreach " defaultvalue="" style="" tooltip="" read_only="0" usability="5" prefer_concept="0" type="radio" validation="0" id="1" pagename="Outreach ">
<OPTION value="Outbound Telephone " id="1" url="" score="0" />
<OPTION value="Inbound Telephone" id="2" url="" score="0" />
<OPTION value="In Person" id="3" url="" score="0" />
<QUESTION value="Reason for Assessment " defaultvalue="" style="" tooltip="" read_only="0" usability="5" prefer_concept="0" type="radio" validation="0" id="2" pagename="Outreach ">
<OPTION value="New" id="1" url="" score="0" />
<OPTION value="Annual" id="2" url="" score="0" />
<OPTION value="Triggering Event " id="3" url="" score="0" />
<OPTION value="LOC Review" id="4" url="" score="0" />
I tried the following sql.
SELECT TABLE.META_DATA.value('(/QUESTION//id/node())[1]','int') as outReach
,TABLE.META_DATA.value('(/QUESTION//id/node())[1]','int') as ReasonForAssessment
FROM Table
Below is my expected result
| Outreach | ReasonForAssessment |
| 1 | 2 |
Several issues:
is not the root of the XML so you must use //
or walk down tree from root: /Test/PAGE/QUESTION/
Adjust XPath to search by attribute with @
prefix and not node search as id
is an attribute (not child node) of QUESTION
Adjust node index, [#]
, to return the corresponding @id
attribute value.
Adjusted SQL:
SELECT TABLE.META_DATA.value('(//QUESTION/@id)[1]','int') as outReach
, TABLE.META_DATA.value('(//QUESTION/@id)[2]','int') as ReasonForAssessment
FROM Table;
-- outReach ReasonForAssessment
-- 1 2
Alternatively use bracketed conditionals for columns:
SELECT TABLE.META_DATA.value('(/Test/PAGE/QUESTION[@value=''Type of Outreach '']/@id)[1]','int') as outReach
, TABLE.META_DATA.value('(/Test/PAGE/QUESTION[@value=''Reason for Assessment '']/@id)[1]','int') as ReasonForAssessment
FROM Table;
-- outReach ReasonForAssessment
-- 1 2