I try to refresh the value of a variable in my data base. But the fonctions .set()
need two arguments and I don't understand what is the fisrt.
I try to use the .push()
fonction but this create a new line in my data base. I d'ont want that. I want the value change.
So I know i need to use the .set()
function but she take two arguments item: Firebase operation and data
What is the first ?
this.afAuth.authState.subscribe(data => { // ajoute des tacoPoint
this.test = this.afDatabase.list(`TacoPoint/${data.uid}`).valueChanges();
this.test.forEach(data => { // ajoute des tacoPoint
data.forEach(e => {
e.Tacopoint = e.Tacopoint + 20;
this.afAuth.authState.subscribe(auth => {
this.afDatabase.list(`TacoPoint/${auth.uid}`).set(); // need to set the new TacoPoint in the data base
So I succeeded to use the .set()
We just need to do a reference at the object in the data base like that :
const a = this.afDatabase.object(`TacoPoint/${data.uid}`) // reference
a.set(/*some data*/) // now you can use the set function