I am trying to get a website meta properties such as price, availability, etc and store them to database.
I got the values by array but can't extract it.
What I want to do is, Extract the data from the array and assign them to separate variables.
Below I shared the code that I used to extract the data from the website.
$content = file_get_contents('');
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// squelch HTML5 errors
$meta = $doc->getElementsByTagName('meta');
foreach ($meta as $element) {
$tag = [];
foreach ($element->attributes as $node) {
$tag[$node->name] = $node->value;
$tags []= $tag;
This is the result I am getting from the website by using the above code.
Array ( [0] => Array ( [charset] => UTF-8 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => viewport [content] => width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no ) [2] => Array ( [http-equiv] => X-UA-Compatible [content] => ie=edge ) [3] => Array ( [name] => description [content] => Buy Oneplus 7 Pro 8GB RAM + 256GB at Low Price in Qatar and Doha - Get Free Home Delivery Inside Doha - Also, Enjoy Free Shop Pickup to See Product Directly. ) [4] => Array ( [name] => robots [content] => noindex,follow ) [5] => Array ( [property] => og:locale [content] => en_US ) [6] => Array ( [property] => og:type [content] => article ) [7] => Array ( [property] => og:title [content] => Buy Oneplus 7 Pro 8GB RAM + 256GB Price in Qatar - AlaneesQatar.Qa ) [8] => Array ( [property] => og:description [content] => Buy Oneplus 7 Pro 8GB RAM + 256GB at Low Price in Qatar and Doha - Get Free Home Delivery Inside Doha - Also, Enjoy Free Shop Pickup to See Product Directly. ) [9] => Array ( [property] => og:url [content] => ) [10] => Array ( [property] => og:site_name [content] => Al Anees Qatar ) [11] => Array ( [property] => article:publisher [content] => https://www.facebook.com/alaneestrading/ ) [12] => Array ( [property] => og:image [content] => ) [13] => Array ( [property] => og:image:width [content] => 570 ) [14] => Array ( [property] => og:image:height [content] => 706 ) [15] => Array ( [name] => twitter:card [content] => summary_large_image ) [16] => Array ( [name] => twitter:description [content] => Buy Oneplus 7 Pro 8GB RAM + 256GB at Low Price in Qatar and Doha - Get Free Home Delivery Inside Doha - Also, Enjoy Free Shop Pickup to See Product Directly. ) [17] => Array ( [name] => twitter:title [content] => Buy Oneplus 7 Pro 8GB RAM + 256GB Price in Qatar - AlaneesQatar.Qa ) [18] => Array ( [name] => twitter:site [content] => @alaneesqatar ) [19] => Array ( [name] => twitter:image [content] => ) [20] => Array ( [name] => twitter:creator [content] => @alaneesqatar ) [21] => Array ( [name] => generator [content] => WordPress 5.2.2 ) [22] => Array ( [name] => msapplication-TileImage [content] => ) [23] => Array ( [property] => og:type [content] => og:product ) [24] => Array ( [property] => product:plural_title [content] => Oneplus 7 Pro 8GB RAM + 256GB ) [25] => Array ( [property] => product:availability [content] => InStock ) [26] => Array ( [property] => product:price:amount [content] => 2999.00 ) [27] => Array ( [property] => product:price:currency [content] => QAR ) [28] => Array ( [property] => product:retailer_item_id [content] => 15545 ) )
I want to store the product:price:currency values to a variable called $price and the product:availability to a variable $availability like that.
Thank you.
This will help you
$content = file_get_contents('');
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// squelch HTML5 errors
$meta = $doc->getElementsByTagName('meta');
$price = $availability = NULL;
foreach ($meta as $element) {
$tag = [];
foreach ($element->attributes as $node) {
$tag[$node->name] = $node->value;
if(isset($tag['property']) && isset($tag['content'])) {
switch($tag['property']) {
case "product:price:amount":
$price = $tag['content'];
case "product:availability":
$availability = $tag['content'];