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Display shapes in WPF ListView dynamically

I want to visualize the progress of data transfers in a ListView. One line is one transfer containing a name and a state. The state of the transfer shall be displayed graphically. I want to draw a sequence of vertical lines. One line represents the state of a segment of the transfer, its color being the state of the segment (not transferred, error, transfer complete).

So, how do I model this in WPF? I thought of putting a WrapPanel into a DataTemplate inside a GridViewColumn.CellTemplate inside the GridViewColumn in the XAML. This is how far I came with web tutorials. Putting a single Line into a Canvas into the table also works, but as you see, I need it much more dynamic.

Now I need some data binding to put a varying number of Line shapes with fixed height and one pixel width and variable color into the WrapPanel. I thought of WrapPanel in order to automatically wrap that display around in case the window has less width than the number of segments need to be displayed.

Also: how do I tell the last column of the ListView to occupy the remaining space inside the window? I don't want a horizontal scroll bar.

The updates to all this come frequently, could be less than a second between two updates. So I don't want to redraw everything just because a single segment changes its color. So, how do I access a single Line in this situation?


  • Okay, I finally accomplished what I wanted to see. First let's look into XAML. Here is only the part with the ListView and only the single column that contains the segments. Of course you need a window around this and can add more columns.

        <ListView Name="KnownImages" ItemsSource="{Binding FileViewModels}">
                    <GridViewColumn Header="Segments" Width="100">
                            <DataTemplate DataType="local:FileViewModel">
                                <ItemsControl Width="auto" Height="auto" ItemsSource="{Binding Segments}">
                                        <DataTemplate DataType="local:SegmentViewModel">
                                            <Line ToolTip="{Binding ToolTip}" X1="1" X2="1" Y1="{Binding YTop}" Y2="15" StrokeThickness="3" Stroke="{Binding Stroke}"/>

    The main window has a view model that contains

        public ObservableCollection<FileViewModel> FileViewModels { get; set; }

    The ListView has a binding to that field. The DataTemplate has a view model FileViewModel that contains stuff for a single line in the list view that visualises one file. It mostly contains

    public ObservableCollection<SegmentViewModel> Segments { get; set; }

    So we can bind the ItemsControl to that field Segments. The WrapPanel inside the ItemsPanelTemplate is now populated with a DataTemplate that knows its data type to be SegmentViewModel:

    /// <summary>
    /// View model of a single file segment, which is represented with
    /// a vertical line. The changeable parts of the line are stored here
    /// and are directly derived from the state of the segment in the
    /// constructor (ToolTip, Color and the upper Y coordinate of the line)
    /// </summary>
    public class SegmentViewModel
        private const int YTopEof=0;
        private const int YTopIntermediate=3;
        public string ToolTip { get; set; }
        public Brush Stroke { get; set; }
        public int YTop { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Derive appearance of the line from the business data received from queue
        /// if we already received data for the segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromQ">our knowledge about the segment state</param>
        public SegmentViewModel(SegmentState fromQ)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("Seg ");
            if (fromQ.IsInMemory)
                sb.Append(", in memory");
            if (fromQ.IsOnDisk)
                sb.Append(", on disk");
            if (!fromQ.IsComplete)
                sb.Append(", INCOMPLETE!!!");
            ToolTip = sb.ToString();
            Color col;
            if (!fromQ.IsComplete)
                col = Colors.Magenta;
            else if (fromQ.IsInMemory)
                col = fromQ.IsOnDisk ? Colors.Black : Colors.Green;
                col = fromQ.IsOnDisk ? Colors.RoyalBlue : Colors.Brown;
            Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(col);
            YTop = fromQ.EndOfFile ? YTopEof : YTopIntermediate;
        /// <summary>
        /// This constructor is for segments that we did not receive so far.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segmentNumber">We only know that we expect data from this index.</param>
        public SegmentViewModel(int segmentNumber)
            ToolTip = $"Seg {segmentNumber} not yet seen";
            YTop = YTopIntermediate;
            Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);

    For each instance of SegmentViewModel in the Segments array we get a new instance of Line as visualization. The variable visual properties are mapped with bindings (tooltip, color, line length). The non variable visual properties are constants in XAML. Note: the coordinates are not pixels but something smaller - at least on my screen.