Search code examples

Function won't completely initialize until used as a callback function in another function

I am doing a shopping cart using jQuery and local storage and I have come across an occurring problem.

I have created a function renderCart(), which I want to show every time the page reloads, but if I initialize it inside my document.ready function it won't execute the code, but if I create a button #show-cart and I pass it my renderCart() function then after i click on it I will see the rendered cart.

Do you know why my code won't initialize when reloading the page and how can I make it work?.

'use strict'

const products = [{
    "id": 0,
    "name": "Bamboo Tootbrush",
    "price": 9.99,
    "description": "This is a description of the item that you are about to buy. It is eco-friendly and buy buying this product you are helping the environment and the planet..",
    "url": "css/img/item1.jpg",
    "sale": true,
    "category": "bathroom"
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Bamboo Dental Floss",
    "price": 10.99,
    "description": "This is a description of the item that you are about to buy. It is eco-friendly and buy buying this product you are helping the environment and the planet.",
    "url": "css/img/item2.jpg",
    "sale": false,
    "category": "bathroom"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Bamboo Swabs",
    "price": 8.99,
    "description": "This is a description of the item that you are about to buy. It is eco-friendly and buy buying this product you are helping the environment and the planet.",
    "url": "css/img/item3.jpg",
    "sale": true,
    "category": "bathroom"
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Eco-friendly Straws",
    "price": 12.99,
    "description": "This is a description of the item that you are about to buy. It is eco-friendly and buy buying this product you are helping the environment and the planet.",
    "url": "css/img/item4.jpg",
    "sale": true,
    "category": "kitchen"
    "id": 4,
    "name": "Set of 3 produce bags",
    "price": 11.99,
    "description": "This is a description of the item that you are about to buy. It is eco-friendly and buy buying this product you are helping the environment and the planet.",
    "url": "css/img/item5.jpg",
    "sale": false,
    "category": "kitchen"
    "id": 5,
    "name": "MESH produce bags",
    "price": 11.99,
    "description": "This is a description of the item that you are about to buy. It is eco-friendly and buy buying this product you are helping the environment and the planet.",
    "url": "css/img/item6.jpg",
    "sale": false,
    "category": "kitchen"
    "id": 6,
    "name": "Straws",
    "price": 11.99,
    "description": "This is a description of the item that you are about to buy. It is eco-friendly and buy buying this product you are helping the environment and the planet.",
    "url": "css/img/item7.jpg",
    "sale": false,
    "category": "kitchen"
    "id": 7,
    "name": "Tootbrush ECOholic",
    "price": 11.99,
    "description": "This is a description of the item that you are about to buy. It is eco-friendly and buy buying this product you are helping the environment and the planet.",
    "url": "css/img/item8.jpg",
    "sale": false,
    "category": "bathroom"

$(document).ready(function() {

  //Nacitanie navigacie a footeru na vsetkych strankach


  renderCart(); //this wont render

  //this below will
  $('#show-cart').click(function showCart() {


  for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {

  $('.clear-btn').click(function clearCartbutton() {

  function addToCart() {
    $('.add-btn').on("click", function(e) {

      let productID =
      let actualCart = localStorage.getItem('productsID');

      if (actualCart == null) {
        actualCart = [];
      } else {
        actualCart = JSON.parse(actualCart);

      localStorage.setItem('productsID', JSON.stringify(actualCart));

      console.log(`Just added product to cart with ID: ${ productID }`);

  function addCartInfoToCartList() {
    for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
      products[i].qty = undefined;

    let actualCart = localStorage.getItem('productsID');

    if (actualCart === null) {
      actualCart = [];
    } else {
      actualCart = JSON.parse(actualCart);

    for (let i = 0; i < actualCart.length; i++) {
      let productPosition = actualCart[i];

      if (products[productPosition].qty === undefined) {
        products[productPosition].qty = 1;
      } else {

  function cartCount() {
    let cartLength;
    if (!localStorage.getItem('productsID')) {
      cartLength = [];
      console.log('Your cart is empty');
      // !!!!! neviem preco mi nefunguje pri prvom inicializovani riadok vyssie !!!!
    } else {
      cartLength = localStorage.getItem('productsID');
      let cartCount = JSON.parse(cartLength).length;
      console.log(`Number of products in cart: ${ cartCount }.`);
      $('.cart').text(`(${ cartCount })`);

  function clearCart() {

    for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
      products[i].qty = undefined;
    console.log('Your cart is empty');
  function renderCart() {
    for (let i of products) {
      if (i.qty !== undefined) {
        let productDiv = `<div class="fav-wrap ${i.category}">`;
        productDiv += `<img class="fav" src="${i.url}">`;
        productDiv += `<div class="name">${ }</div>`;
        productDiv += `<div>Price: ${ i.price } EUR</div>`
        productDiv += `<div class="add-btn" productid="${ }">ADD TO CART</div>`;
        productDiv += '</div>';


  //Zobrazenie akciovych produktov na index.html v sekcii Our Favourites
  function showFavProduct() {
    for (let i of products) {
      if ( === true) {
        let productDiv = `<div class="fav-wrap ${i.category}">`;
        productDiv += `<img class="fav" src="${i.url}">`;
        productDiv += `<div class="name">${ }</div>`;
        productDiv += `<div>Price: ${ i.price } EUR</div>`
        productDiv += `<div class="add-btn" productid="${ }">ADD TO CART</div>`;
        productDiv += '</div>';


  //Zobrazenie vsetkych produktov na SHOP.html
  function showProduct() {

    for (let i of products) {

      let productDiv = `<div class="fav-wrap ${i.category}">`;
      productDiv += `<img class="fav" src="${i.url}">`;
      productDiv += `<div class="name">${ }</div>`;
      productDiv += `<div>Price: ${ i.price } EUR</div>`
      productDiv += `<div class="add-btn" productid="${ }">ADD TO CART</div>`;
      productDiv += '</div>';


  //Vyber kategorie v SHOPE
  function filter() {
    $('#all').click(function() {
      $(".kitchen, .bathroom").show();
      $("#cat-kitchen, #cat-bath").removeClass("selected");

    $('#cat-kitchen').click(function() {
      $("#all, #cat-bath").removeClass("selected");

    $('#cat-bath').click(function() {
      $("#all, #cat-kitchen").removeClass("selected");

I expect that I will see the actual cart that I have stored in my local storage right after reloading the page, so I do not have to click the show cart button every time.


  • Your code does run and your function does execute.

    But it contains only a loop with if (i.qty !== undefined).

    And indeed, none of your objects contains qty at start, so the loop doesn't do anything. It does what it's supposed to do.

    // No "qty" anywhere.
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Bamboo Dental Floss",
          "price": 10.99,
          "description": "This is a description of the item that you are about to buy. It is eco-friendly and buy buying this product you are helping the environment and the planet.",
          "url": "css/img/item2.jpg",
          "sale": false,
          "category": "bathroom"