I'd like to build three logistic regression models based on different methods for variable selection: a model with backward selection, a model with forward selection, and a model with stepwise selection.
I'm using base R glm() for setting up the regression model and stepAIC() from the MASS package for model selection. stepAIC() has a direction argument that can be set to 'backward' (backward selection), 'forward' (forward selection), or 'both' (stepwise selection).
I'm trying to pass a list of the different variable selection methods ('backward', 'forward', 'both') to the direction argument, but I get an error message.
I've checked out https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/MASS/versions/7.3-51.4/topics/stepAIC but am none the wiser.
# Loading toy dataset
# Loading packages
# The list of variable selection methods
my_model_types = list(c("both","backward","forward"))
# Model building function
my_modelling_function = function(direction, model) {
model = glm(am ~ mpg + disp + hp + drat + wt + qsec, data = mtcars,
family = binomial) %>%
stepAIC(trace = FALSE, direction = my_model_types)
# Building models using different variable selection methods
lapply(my_model_types, my_modelling_function)
# Error message
Error in match.arg(direction) : 'arg' must be NULL or a character vector
I'd have expected the output for three different models, but instead I get an error message: Error in match.arg(direction) : 'arg' must be NULL or a character vector.
Where am I going wrong? Thanks for any help!
You referenced my_model_types
within your function, instead of the function parameter direction
. Additionally you have a second function parameter model
that is not passed to the function, and not used.
Here is a correction of your code
# Loading toy dataset
# Loading packages
# The list of variable selection methods
my_model_types = list("both","backward","forward")
# Model building function
my_modelling_function = function(direction) {
glm(am ~ mpg + disp + hp + drat + wt + qsec, data = mtcars,
family = binomial) %>%
stepAIC(trace = FALSE, direction = direction)
# Building models using different variable selection methods
lapply(my_model_types, my_modelling_function)