Before getting into all the technicalities about Bonjour. I want to know whether Bonjour is meant for Wifi.
I need to do a simple app, that talks to a Wifi router, connects to a device,and sends some very small information and receives very small information. I have seen a lot of examples that use CFNetworking and things seem unnecessarily crowded for a newbie.
Is there a concrete link explaining what Bonjour is all about OR the other way round: Whats the best thing to do to use wifi? Any references would be very helpful.
Bonjour is primarily designed to function over a link-local network; it doesn't matter whether clients are using a wired or wireless connection.
If you need to be concerned with finding the router then Zero-conf networking may not be what you want. If all you need to do is find a device somewhere on the network then it may well suit your needs.
If you want to understand more about Bonjour I suggest you consult the Multicast DNS page for more information.
If you're developing on a Mac / iPhone and just want to dive in, you will typically use the NSNetService and NSNetServiceBrowser classes. Check out Apple's Bonjour Overview as well.