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How to express infinity in Ruby?

Is there a keyword to express Infinity in Ruby?


  • If you use ruby 1.9.2, you can use:

    >> Float::INFINITY #=> Infinity
    >> 3 < Float::INFINITY #=> true

    Or you can create your own constant using the following*:
    I've checked that in Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.7, and 1.9.2 you have Float.infinite?.

    PositiveInfinity = +1.0/0.0 
    => Infinity
    NegativeInfinity = -1.0/0.0 
    => -Infinity
    CompleteInfinity = NegativeInfinity..PositiveInfinity
    => -Infinity..Infinity

    *I've verified this in Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.9.2