I need to set the currentId in the store. I have it in the component, everything fine in the console:
async created() {
const activityId = await this.$store.state.route.params.activityId
activityId: 'activityId'
console.log("here activityId: ", activityId)
console.log('print all params: ', this.$store.state.route.params)
console.log("STORE: ", this.$store.state)
I've organised the store in modules, the one I'm working on is activity.js and it's working fine (I have all the activities saved in the store). I now need to set the current id and then set the single activity according to it (so I can access its data). Removing the non inherent code, what I have is:
import {
} from '@/views/ActivityDetail'
const state = {
currentActivityId: activityId
const mutations = {
SET_CURRENT_ACTIVITY_ID: (state, currentActivityId) => {
state.currentActivityId = currentActivityId
const actions = {
}) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
export default {
namespaced: true,
In the module 'getters' I have, among the others (that are working fine):
activityId: state => state.activity.activityId,
Still activityId: undefined
I have sync (store, router)
working, also mode: 'history'
in the router, because before this I tried:
import {router} from '@/router'
const state = {
currentActivityId: router.currentRoute.params.activityId,
I didn't do any change regarding the mode: history, so I don't know if the problem can be found here. But commenting it and making use of the currentRoute did not solve the problem.
The versions installed in my app are: "vue-router": "3.0.6", "vuex": "^3.1.0", "vuex-router-sync": "^5.0.0"
Still activityId: undefined
Can anyone help, please?
Thank you
I solved the issue. I didn't actually use the currentActivityId to save the single activity. Here is what I did: in the template with all the activities, I modified the button like this:
title="Mostra dettagli"
@click="goToDetailActivity((data.item), selectActivity(data.item))"
Now the button @click for the clicked activity triggers these two methods:
selectActivity(activity) {
let currentActivity = activity;
currentActivity = this.$store.getters.currentActivity;
return currentActivity;
goToDetailActivity(activity) {
console.log('OBJECT activity sent from all activities to detail: ', activity)
const activityData = {
activity: activity
console.log('ACTIVITY DATA IN ALL: ', activityData)
this.loading = true
this.$store.dispatch('activity/setCurrentActivity', activityData).then(() => {
name: 'DettaglioAttivita',
params: {
activityId: activity.id
this.loading = false
}).catch((err) => {
console.log('ERROR IN fetching activityData: ', err)
this.loading = false
In the getters module:
currentActivity: state => state.activity.currentActivity
In store/activity.js: -state:
currentActivity: ''
SET_CURRENT_ACTIVITY: (state, activityData) => {
state.currentActivity = activityData
setCurrentActivity({ commit }, activityData) {
commit('SET_CURRENT_ACTIVITY', activityData)
I needed the payolad (activityData) to pass the data. And obviously rethink the entire thing. Now it works. If I refresh the page, though, I loose all the data. I'm dealing with it with the vuex-persitedstate plugin. But this is another story. Thank you to anyone who took the time to have a look at it.