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Laravel - Mass assignment || How can I do for updating data if found same unique key, and creating if the data are new

I've created a table named: staff in the database.

Inside that table, there are: id, staffID, staffName, role, and password which the id field is autoincrement(its mean primary Key), and the staffID is Unique Key.

After that, I inserted a few data. For example: , 69, habie, admin, 123456

the problem is when i tried to inserting new datas, for example:

| , 69, habie, admin, 2010201 | , 70, rafif, finance, 808080 | , 71, rizieq, sales, 737373 |

I'll getting an error code, which the error message is:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '69' for key 'staffID' (SQL: insert into staff (staffID, staffName, role, password) values (69, Habie, admin, 2010201))

I've tried many steps for solving this problem. For example:

I used: firstOrCreate Method, firstOrNew Method, and updateOrCreate Method from laravel eloquent class. but it has no effect.

                        "staffID"               =>$staff["PIN2"],
                        "staffName"             =>$staff["Name"],
                        "role"                  =>$staff["Privilege"],
                        "password"              =>$pass

I just want my table is get update if the same key unique has a new password, etc. And if there are new datas, laravel inserting that new data into database. I hope someone can help me out.


  • First of all, you are using firstOrCreate() method in wrong way. If staffID is unique, you have to use it in the following way.

    $starff = $this::firstOrCreate([
           "staffID" =>$staff["PIN2"],
          "staffName" =>$staff["Name"],
          "role" =>$staff["Privilege"],
    // Update password
    $staff->password = $pass;

    This will check fir staffID and create a new if don't exists. Then you can update the password or other things details.