I am building a rails app where I have a museums page which has a feature where it displays the museum with the most exhibits. The problem is that when there are no exhibits added to the db it gives an undefined method 'museum_name'. So the problem I have is I am not sure what would be the best way to make a check that would still allow me to access the page if there are zero exhibits?
Museums controller:
def index
@museums = Museum.all
most_exhibits = Exhibit.most_exhibits
most_exhibits.each do |museum|
@top_museum = MuseumsHelper.get_museum_name(museum.museum_id)[0]
Helper class method being used:
def self.get_museum_name(museum_id)
Museum.where(id: museum_id)
Display in views:
<%= @top_museum.museum_name %>
The best way to do it depends on how you want it to be. I think the ideal solution for yours is to check if/else
then show the content accordingly:
<% if @top_museum.present? %>
<%= @top_museum.museum_name %>
<% else %>
<span>Nothing to display</span>
<% end %>
Or using try
<%= @top_museum.try(:museum_name) %>
or if you have ruby 2.3.0 or newer you can use safe navigation operator <%= @top_museum&.museum_name %>
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