I am trying to pass commandline arguments to my workflow script using getopts but the code throws an error
Following is the snippet of code for passing command line arguments
# take strings as arguments.
while getopts "TDNUW:" opt; do
case "$opt" in
T) T="$OPTARG" ;;
D) D="$OPTARG" ;;
N) N="$OPTARG" ;;
U) U="$OPTARG" ;;
W) W="$OPTARG" ;;
\?) echo "Usage:[-T T1wfilename] [-D Dfilename] [-N Stream_Number] [-U User] [-W Workflow]";;
shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1)
#Subjects Directory with $U : UserId
#Subjects path with $W : workflow number
I have tried calling the script using the options
./code.sh -T dummy_t1t2.nii.gz -D dummy_dti.nii.gz -N 100000 -U Markus -W Workflow_000000000000334
and i am encountering an error
Error: input image /Bio/Bmax/data/imaging_data/// not valid
The arguments that i have passed through commandline are not interpreted by the code, could some one please provide me some hint why my script could not recognize the arguments.
You need to assign the variables you want to use manually. getopts
doesn't do the work for you.
You need a :
after each letter option to tell getopts
it is a option that takes argument.
while getopts "T:D:N:U:W:" opt; do
case "$opt" in
T) T="$OPTARG" ;;
D) D="$OPTARG" ;;
N) N="$OPTARG" ;;
U) U="$OPTARG" ;;
W) W="$OPTARG" ;;
\?) echo "Usage:[-T T1wfilename] [-D Dfilename] [-N Stream_Number] [-U User] [-W Workflow]" ;;
shift $((OPTIND - 1))