With the following pieces of information, I can easily create an array of matrices
b2=data.frame(b2_1=c(-0.013020 ,-0.016540),b2_2=c(-0.0002822,-0.0026720))
pat=ncol(T.val) #number of T's
nit=2 #no of rows
pt.array1=array(NA, dim=c(nit,length(fu.time),pat))
for ( it.er in 1:nit){
for ( ti in 1:length(fu.time)){
for (pt in 1:pat){
pt.array_mean=apply(pt.array1, c(3,2), mean)
pt.array_LCL=apply(pt.array1, c(3,2), quantile, prob=0.25)
pt.array_UCL=apply(pt.array1, c(3,2), quantile, prob=0.975)
Now with these additional data, I can create three plots as follows
pt.ID time IPSS
1 1 0.000000 10
2 1 1.117808 8
3 1 4.504110 5
4 1 6.410959 14
5 1 13.808220 10
6 1 19.890410 4
7 1 28.865750 15
8 1 35.112330 7
9 2 0.000000 6
10 2 1.117808 7
11 2 4.109589 8
12 2 10.093151 7
13 2 16.273973 11
14 2 18.345205 18
15 2 21.567120 14
16 2 25.808220 12
17 2 56.087670 5
18 3 0.000000 8
19 3 1.413699 3
20 3 4.405479 3
21 3 10.389041 8
for( pt.no in 1:pat){
xlab="f/u time", ylab= "",main = paste("patient", pt.no),data=mydata)
lines(pt.array_mean[pt.no,]~fu.time, col="blue")
lines(pt.array_LCL[pt.no,]~fu.time, col="green")
lines(pt.array_UCL[pt.no,]~fu.time, col="green")
The problem arise when the number of rows in each matrix is much bigger say 10000. It takes too much computation time to create the pt.array1
for large number of rows in b0
, b1
and b2
Is there any alternative way I can do it quickly using any builtin function?
Can I avoid the storage allocation for pt.array1
as I am not using it further? I just need pt.array_mean
, pt.array_UCL
and pt.array_LCL
for myplot
Any help is appreciated.
There are a couple of other approaches you can employ.
First, you largely have a model of b0 + b1*fu + b2*fu^2
. Therefore, you could make the coefficients and apply the fu
after the fact:
ind <- expand.grid(nits = seq_len(nit), pats = seq_len(pat))
mat_ind <- cbind(ind[, 'nits'], T.val[as.matrix(ind)])
b_mat <- matrix(c(b0[mat_ind], b1[mat_ind], b2[mat_ind]), ncol = 3)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 11.410 0.85390 -0.0130200
[2,] 11.360 0.95650 -0.0165400
[3,] 11.410 0.85390 -0.0130200
[4,] 6.950 0.06752 -0.0026720
[5,] 8.767 -0.03179 -0.0002822
[6,] 11.360 0.95650 -0.0165400
Now if we apply the model to each row, we will get all of your raw results. The only problem is that we don't match your original output - each column slice of your array is equivalent of a row slice of my matrix output.
pt_array <- apply(b_mat, 1, function(x) x[1] + x[2] * fu.time + x[3] * fu.time^2)
[1] 11.410 11.360 11.410 6.950 8.767 11.360
pt.array1[, 1, ]
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 11.41 11.41 8.767
[2,] 11.36 6.95 11.360
That's OK because we can fix the shape of it as we get summary statistics - we just need to take the colSums
and colQuantiles
of each row converted to a 2 x 3 matrix:
pt_summary = array(t(apply(pt_array,
function(row) {
M <- matrix(row, ncol = pat)
c(colMeans2(M),colQuantiles(M, probs = c(0.25, 0.975))
dim = c(length(fu.time), pat, 3),
dimnames = list(NULL, paste0('pat', seq_len(pat)), c('mean', 'LCL', 'UCL'))
pt_summary[1, ,] #slice at time = 1
mean LCL UCL
pat1 11.3850 11.37250 11.40875
pat2 9.1800 8.06500 11.29850
pat3 10.0635 9.41525 11.29518
# rm(pt.array1)
Then to do your final graphing, I simplified it - the data
argument can be a subset(mydata, pt.ID == pt.no)
. Additionally, since the summary statistics are now in an array format, matlines
allows everything to be done at once:
for( pt.no in 1:pat){
plot(IPSS~pt.ID, data=subset(mydata, pt.ID == pt.no),
xlim=c(0,57), ylim=c(0,35),
type="l",col="black", xlab="f/u time", ylab= "",
main = paste("patient", pt.no)
points(IPSS~time, data=subset(mydata, pt.ID == pt.no))
matlines(y = pt_summary[,pt.no ,], x = fu.time, col=c("blue", 'green', 'green'))