On cppreference, I saw that there are four types of fold expressions, unary right, unary left, binary right, and binary left. What is the type of this fold expression here? I'm having a hard time understanding why it is valid.
template <typename Res, typename... Ts>
vector<Res> to_vector(Ts&&... ts) {
vector<Res> vec;
(vec.push_back(ts) ...); // *
return vec;
What is the value of "pack", "op" and "init" in line *, if any?
This example is from page 244 of Bjarne Stroustrup's A Tour of C++ book, and seems like a comma was forgotten in the example, hence my confusion.
The syntax is not valid. It's missing a comma (most likely a typo):
(vec.push_back(ts), ...)
// ^
And so it is "unary right fold":
( pack op ... )
with op
being a comma.