I'm wonder is it possible to proper setting each xaxis in dojox.charting.DataChart
here is my data.JSON for example:
"label": "btmlabel",
"items": [
{ "mydata":"ANDT", "btmlabel":[{value: 1, text: "22 April 10.34AM"},{value: 2, text: "22 April 10.40AM"}], "data":[{"x":1,"y":1},{"x":2,"y":3}] }
and trying to draw xaxis which failed(show empty in xaxis) with below code:
var chartPrefs = {
chartPlot: {type:dojox.charting.plot2d.Markers, tension:"S"},
chart = new dojox.charting.DataChart("chartNode", chartPrefs);
chart.setStore(store, {mydata:"*"}, "data");
It looks like your json object structure is invalid for charting. It would be better use the following structure:
var storeData = {
"label": "btmlabel",
"btmlabel": "22 April 10.34AM",
"data": 1
"btmlabel": "22 April 10.40AM",
"data": 3
and creating chart:
dojo.addOnLoad(function () {
var storeForChart = new dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore({ data: storeData });
var chartPrefs = {
chartPlot: { type: dojox.charting.plot2d.Markers, tension: "S" },
comparative: true,
xaxis: { labelFunc: "seriesLabels" }
chart = new dojox.charting.DataChart("chartNode", chartPrefs);
chart.setStore(storeForChart, { data: "*" }, "data");
View source of this page - here working example.
Read good article about chart building - introducing-dojox-datachart
EDIT: Also look this page. I think it will be very helpful for you.