I want to explore read-only replicas in Spanner. I have options to create nam-3 or nam-6 multi-region spanner( read-only can be created only on multi-regional spanner). When I select either of the options on the right panel I get replica details as follows
For num-6
2 read-write replicas in us-central1 (Iowa) - default leader region
2 read-write replicas in us-east1 (South Carolina)
1 read-write replica in us-west1 (Oregon)
1 read-write replica in us-west2 (Los Angeles)
For num-3
2 read-write replicas in us-east4 (Northern Virginia) - default leader region
2 read-write replicas in us-east1 (South Carolina)
I do not see read-only replicas in both of the options. Do I need to anything different here?
Authoritative information about available configurations is available here: https://cloud.google.com/spanner/docs/instances#available-configurations-multi-region
Only nam6
and nam-eur-asia1
multi-regional configurations offer read-only replicas.
I've verified that descriptions in Cloud Console are in line with your observations and this is incorrect. Thank you for noticing, I'll pass the report to the dedicated team to address it.
UPDATE 2019-10-04: this is fixed now.