Go! AOP framework was using stream filters with include statement in order to perform proxies generation. It worked well in PHP 7.3, but now after PHP 7.4 beta 2 release it looks like something has changed.
Unfortunately stream filters have poor documentation, so I could not check what is going one. Maybe someone more experienced would know.
Check following sample code:
// index.php
include __DIR__ . '/SampleFilter.php';
$uri = 'php://filter/read=sample.filter/resource='. __DIR__ . '/Sample.php';
$content = file_get_contents($uri);
include $uri;
// SampleFilter.php
class SampleFilter extends php_user_filter
public const PHP_FILTER_READ = 'php://filter/read=';
public const FILTER_IDENTIFIER = 'sample.filter';
protected $data = '';
protected static $filterId;
public static function register(string $filterId = self::FILTER_IDENTIFIER) : void
if (!empty(self::$filterId))
throw new RuntimeException('Stream filter already registered');
$result = stream_filter_register($filterId, __CLASS__);
if ($result === false)
throw new Exception('Stream filter was not registered');
self::$filterId = $filterId;
public static function getId() : string
if (empty(self::$filterId))
throw new Exception('Stream filter was not registered');
return self::$filterId;
public function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing)
while ($bucket = stream_bucket_make_writeable($in))
$this->data .= $bucket->data;
if ($closing || feof($this->stream))
$consumed = strlen($this->data);
echo '<h2>Before</h2><pre>'. htmlentities($this->data) .'</pre>';
$this->data = str_replace('text', 'text!!!!!!!!', $this->data);
echo '<h2>After</h2><pre>'. htmlentities($this->data) .'</pre>';
$bucket = stream_bucket_new($this->stream, $this->data);
stream_bucket_append($out, $bucket);
return PSFS_PASS_ON;
return PSFS_FEED_ME;
// Sample.php
class Sample
public static function printIt()
echo 'text';
As you can see $content has properly modified code (full).
But while include'ing that file it looks like code is striped to original file length. PHP prints error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /(...)/Sample.php on line 9
Line 9 is where it exceeds original file size.
This was a bug, introduced in the PHP7.4. It have been already fixed in the latest version.