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Pattern matching on scala Refined size

I want to provide a json schema (at compile time) of a case class, based on the differents types (Scala refined included)

object JsonSchema {

  def jsonSchema[T]: String = macro impl[T]

  def impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context): c.Expr[String] = {
    import c.universe._

    val r = weakTypeOf[T].decls.collect {
      case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor =>
        val typeArgs = match {
          case NullaryMethodType(v) => v.typeArgs

        val supportedStringFormat = List("IPv4", "IPv6", "Uri")

        typeArgs match {
          case _type :: _predicate :: Nil if _type =:= typeOf[String] && supportedStringFormat.contains(  => Json.obj( -> Json.obj("type" -> "string", "format" ->
          case _type :: _predicate :: Nil if _type =:= typeOf[String] && _predicate =:= typeOf[NonEmpty] => Json.obj( -> Json.obj("type" -> "string", "minLength" -> 1))
          case _type :: _predicate :: Nil if _type =:= typeOf[String] && _predicate =:= typeOf[Size[_0]] => {

            val size   = _predicate.typeArgs match {
              case h :: _ if h <:< typeOf[Nat._0] => 0
            Json.obj(>  Json.obj("type" -> "string", "minLength" -> size))
          case _type :: _ if _type =:= typeOf[String]  => Json.obj( ->  Json.obj("type" -> "string"))
          case _type :: _predicate :: Nil if _type =:= typeOf[Int] && _predicate =:= typeOf[Positive] =>  Json.obj( ->Json.obj("type" -> "int", "minValue" -> 1))
          case _type :: _predicate :: Nil if _type =:= typeOf[List[String]] && _predicate =:= typeOf[NonEmpty] =>  Json.obj(> Json.obj("type" -> "array", "minLength" -> 1))
          case List() => Json.obj( ->Json.obj("type"->
          case other => Json.obj("other"->


    val json = r.reduce(_ ++ _)


I want to be able to pattern match for all shapeless natural :

typeOf[Size[_]] instead of typeOf[Size[_0]]

But i have a compile error :

 No TypeTag available for eu.timepit.refined.collection.Size[_]
[error]           case _type :: _predicate :: Nil if _type =:= typeOf[String] && _predicate =:= typeOf[Size[_]] => {

and i want to get an int for size

val size   = _predicate.typeArgs match {
             case h :: _ if h <:< typeOf[Nat._0] => 0

Usage :

case class StringWithMinSize22(k: String Refined MinSize[_22])

"String with min size 22" must {
    "return a schema with min size" in {
      JsonSchema.jsonSchema[StringWithMinSize22] mustBe """{"k":{"type":"string","minLength":22}}"""



  • Try

    val sizeTC = typeOf[eu.timepit.refined.collection.Size[_]]
    val r = weakTypeOf[T].decls.collect {
      // ...
      case _type :: _predicate :: Nil if _type =:= typeOf[String] && _predicate <:< sizeTC => {
        val sizeTyp = _predicate.dealias.typeArgs.head.typeArgs.head
        val toIntTree = c.inferImplicitValue(c.typecheck(tq"_root_.shapeless.ops.nat.ToInt[$sizeTyp]", mode = c.TYPEmode).tpe, silent = false)
        val toInt = c.eval(c.Expr(c.untypecheck(toIntTree.duplicate)))
        Json.obj( ->  Json.obj("type" -> "string", "minLength" -> toInt.asInstanceOf[ToInt[_]].apply()))

    But it would make sense to think if you can encode your logic in a type class rather than raw macros.