Did you resolve this issue?
When my IoTDevKit is connected to the wifi. It repeats a message no-stop (see below).
I fallowed the step-by-step Microsoft Procedure "GetStarted - Connect IoT DevKit AZ3166 to Azure IoT Hub"
I took the ConnectionString from this command:
az iot hub device-identity show-connection-string --hub-name YourIoTHubName --device-id MyNodeDevice --output table
I tried with the connection located in Iot Device Explorer... and same result.
And i used this connection string format:
This is the ERROR:
2019-08-28 13:22:04 ERROR: base64_utility.c (ln 201): Invalid length Base64 string! 2019-08-28 13:22:04 ERROR: sastoken.c (ln 217): Unable to decode the key for generating the SAS. 2019-08-28 13:22:04 ERROR: iothub_client_authorization.c (ln 460): Failed creating sas_token 2019-08-28 13:22:04 ERROR: iothubtransport_mqtt_common.c (ln 2169): failure getting sas token from IoTHubClient_Auth_Get_SasToken.
The screen of my IoTDevKit still with the IP Adress and Running... (under that, " > IoT Hub")
Did you have a solution for that? My connection string contains only 112 characters (with the Label "HostName=") And... all worked fine the first day that I tried. The next day... this issue appears.
DevKitSDK version: 1.6.2
Mico version: 31620002.049
mbed-os version: 5.4.3
mbed TLS version: 2.15.0
WIFI version: wl0: Sep 10 2014 11:28:46 version
For anyone else who might run into this issue. I solved it on the current firmware by using this guide (https://microsoft.github.io/azure-iot-developer-kit/docs/use-configuration-mode/) to first get the DevKit into configuration mode and from there I entered the connectionstring with the "set_az_iothub" command in PuTTY.