I have two tables. In one of the coordinates of the cities, and in the other the coordinates of the delivery zones.
How can I compare the coordinates of cities in one of the delivery zones and write 1 or 0 in the column with the names of the zones? If the city at least partially falls into the delivery range, then this should be 1.
I am not very good at programming. I think I need to use code like this:
boolean && (geometry A, geometry B);
Or some of this:
boolean ST_Contains (geometry geomA, geometry geomB);
But I do not understand how to specify another table. And how to write the results in the column of the table with cities.
Please help with the code! Thank!
UPD I need to compare two zones. Is the city zone included in the delivery zone? If it is included or partially included, then specify 1 in the column with the name of the zone. If not included, then 0. Screen text exemple
Screen of tables
It would be a query approximately like this:
UPDATE cities
SET green_area = z.ga::integer,
SET red_area = z.ra::integer
FROM (SELECT place_id,
bool_or(cities.geom && zones.geom)
FILTER (WHERE zones.name = 'green_area') AS ga,
bool_or(cities.geom && zones.geom)
FILTER (WHERE zones.name = 'red_area') AS ra
FROM zones
JOIN cities ON cities.geom && zones.geom
GROUP BY cities.place_id
) AS z
WHERE cities.place_id = z.place_id;
is the “overlaps” operator for geometries.