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How not to create a "cron-out" log file?

When I run pm2, it creates two cron-out and cron-error files in the logs folder. How to not create these files when starting pm2?


  • You can Generate Configuration

    pm2 ecosystem

    This will generate following file (ecosystem.config.js) ,pass error_file: "/dev/null" to not to generate pm2 logs

    module.exports = {
      apps : [{
        name: "app",
        script: "./app.js",
        error_file: "/dev/null"  
        env: {
          NODE_ENV: "development",
        env_production: {
          NODE_ENV: "production",
    pm2 [start|restart|stop|delete] ecosystem.config.js

    This is the link I followed -

    Or Shortest Way

    pm2 start app /dev/null