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Problem updating the connections in Airflow programatically

I am trying to update the Airflow connections using python. I have created a python function that takes an authentication token from API and updates the extra field of connection in Airflow.

I am getting token in json format like below:

   "token" : token_value

Below is the part of python code that I am using

def set_token():
    # Get token from API & update the Airflow Variables
    Variable.set("token", str(auth_token))
    new_token = Variables.get("token")
    get_conn = Connection(conn_id="test_conn")
    auth_token = { "header" : new_token}

But when I run the task, the extra field in airflow connection doesn't get updated. I can see that my Variable is getting updated but not connection. Could anyone please let me know what I am missing?


  • I doubt that you are fetching connection from Airflow's meta-db in the right way.

    • All things apart, if you are fetching Variable via Variable.get() method, shouldn't Connection be receiving the same treatment (although Connection class doesn't have a get() function, there must be a workaround)?
    • Here you are merely instantiating Connection object with a given conn_id argument (and not really fetching Connection for that conn_id from db)

    Whenever I have to exploit the underlying SQLAlchemy models, I look at Taking cues from connections() function, here's what I think should work

    from airflow.models import Connection
    from airflow.settings import Session
    from airflow.utils.db import provide_session
    from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional
    from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
    def update_conn_extra(conn_id: str, new_extra: Any, session: Optional[Session] = None) -> Optional[Connection]:
            my_conn: Optional[Connection] = (session
                                             .filter(Connection.conn_id == conn_id)
        except exc.NoResultFound:
            my_conn: Optional[Connection] = None
        except exc.MultipleResultsFound:
            my_conn: Optional[Connection] = None
        if my_conn:
            my_conn.extra: Any = new_extra

    Note that here we are simple overwriting the Connection with updated fields (without first deleting the existing one), which I've found to work. If you face some problems, you can delete the existing connection before writing updated one using session.delete(my_conn)