I copied the example code for the book TCP/IP Sockets in C from http://cs.ecs.baylor.edu/~donahoo/practical/CSockets/winsock.html and got it to compile on MinGW (without warnings by changing clntLen from unsigned int to int and void main to int main).
$ gcc.exe -Wall -o TCPEchoServerWS TCPEchoServerWS.c HandleTCPClientWS.c DieWithErrorWS.c -lws2_32
$ gcc.exe -o TCPEchoClientWS TCPEchoClientWS.c DieWithErrorWS.c -lws2_32
When I run the executables the server but not the client triggers a Windows firewall notification.
$ ./TCPEchoServerWS.exe 5000
inside for loop
$ ./TCPEchoClientWS.exe "Echo this" 5000
connect() failed: 10060
The from printf debugging
for (;;) /* Run forever */
printf("inside for loop");
clntLen = sizeof(echoClntAddr);
if ((clntSock = accept(servSock, (struct sockaddr *) &echoClntAddr, &clntLen)) < 0)
DieWithError("accept() failed");
printf("Handling client %s\n", inet_ntoa(echoClntAddr.sin_addr));
it appears that the accept() never returns. I assume this is because it never has a connection to extract?? Any ideas please? I've also tried linking with -lwsock32, and disabling windows firewall.
It turns out that I was using the wrong IP (I just copied the one from the command it the book).
I just needed to use the IPv4 address from ipconfig
as Remy suggested.