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Connecting to Ingres DB from .net Core 2.1

I am developing a .net core 2.1 API that needs to connect to an older Ingres DB.

In previous .net frameworks I have been able to use Ingres Client found here

However this is not compatible with .net core 2.1 and the last update was about 3 years ago! Some key files are missing which is causing runtime errors.

Exception thrown: 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' in System.Private.CoreLib.dll

So I just wondered if anyone had any experience with connecting to Ingres from .net core 2.1 and knew of a way to do it. Or any suggestions or strategies to try would be appreciated.



  • I managed to do this with Ingres ODBC driver. Available drivers in Windows are accessible from: Control Panel > Administrative Tools > ODBC Data Source Administrator. Select 'Add...' to find the name of installed Ingres ODBC driver (e.g. 'Ingres XC').

    var connectionString = "Driver=Ingres XC;Server=@<db-server-ip>,tcp_ip,II;UID=ingresuser;PWD=password;database=mydatabase";
    using (OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection(connectionString))
    // ...