Thanx for helping, I have a specific scenario which is used in the Approval Process I have a LookUp to the user called Project Manager I wan to check if the Project Manager is the same as the User Reside in Queue I have only one user in the Queue
Is there any way I can check
Not in pure process builder. You could query this data. Queues are a type of Group object in Salesforce and they have a related list of Group Members. So something like that:
SELECT Group.Name, UserOrGroupId
FROM GroupMember
WHERE Group.Type = 'Queue' AND Group.DeveloperName= 'X'
WHERE Id IN (SELECT UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember WHERE Group.DeveloperName = 'X')
Should give you some ideas.
If you have a simple process maybe you're willing to rewrite it into Flow? Should support queries nicely. (personally I'm not a fan of flows but hey, it's a valid option)
Or if you want to keep it in Process you can have some success with writing small piece of apex and calling InvocableMethod.
Or make a checkbox or (multi)picklist with Queue names? Or something like that on the User if it has to be a simple formula...