I'm having trouble figuring out a good way to do a Favorites list. I have a recycler view with a button to store an item to Favorites
, I can easily just store this items id
but then I have to remake network calls just to get some basic info to fill the list item view.
Here is a screen shot of my recycler view..
These items are a simple data class defined as follows
data class CoinListItem(
var id: String? = null,
var name: String? = null,
val symbol: String? = null,
val slug: String? = null,
val quoteItem: CoinListQuoteItem? = null,
val tags: List<String>? = null): Parcelable
Is there a way to save custom objects to disk?
Yep. You can depict class as Serializable CoinListItem(...): Serializable
thus you tell the system that it can be serialized to and deserialized from text. Next - you create File
serialize your object by
val item = CoinListItem()
val file = FileOutputStream("file.txt") // here should be a full path and name
val outStream = ObjectOutputStream(file)
// Method for serialization of object
To deserialize it use
val file = FileInputStream("file.txt")
val inStream = ObjectInputStream(file)
// Method for deserialization of object
val item = inStream.readObject() as CoinListItem
Hope it helps.