I want to create a user with all privileges on a table in my database using php but my code is not working properly. I tried with this code:
$query="CREATE USER $1 WITH password $2";
$result = pg_prepare($dbh, "", $query);
$result = pg_execute($dbh, "", array($utente, md5($psw)));
$query="GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON match to $1";
$result = pg_prepare($dbh, "", $query);
$result = pg_execute($dbh, "", array($utente));
then I tried changing it moving variables outside the string but it's not working either.
$query="CREATE USER " .$utente . " WITH password ". md5($psw);
$result = pg_prepare($dbh, "", $query);
$result = pg_execute($dbh, "", array());
$query="GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON match to " . $utente;
$result = pg_prepare($dbh, "", $query);
$result = pg_execute($dbh, "", array());
$result is false, in my database I don't get the new user I want to create.
or left as is.''
In general: all values passed to a query should be treated as prepared statement variables. In this case I was not able to replace $1
with a value in the parameters array in pg_prepare
So here is a working example with escaping by "hand".
$utente = pg_escape_identifier('username');
$psw = pg_escape_string('pass');
$query="CREATE USER {$utente} WITH password '{$psw}'";
pg_prepare($dbh, "", $query);
$result = pg_execute($dbh, "", []);