having started the kusama node as a service with
polkadot --port 30333 --rpc-external --rpc-port 9933 --ws-external --ws-port 9944
Now im trying to call the node with a POST request for http://IP:9933 and this JSON payload:
{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "state_getMetadata"}
Im gettings as a 403 forbidden response:
Provided Host header is not whitelisted.
Any ideas whats missing in the setup?
You will need to configure CORS header. You can either add --rpc-cors=all
to disable origin validation or pass a allowed origin like --rpc-cors=https://your.website.url
/// Specify browser Origins allowed to access the HTTP & WS RPC servers.
/// It's a comma-separated list of origins (protocol://domain or special `null` value).
/// Value of `all` will disable origin validation.
/// Default is to allow localhost, https://polkadot.js.org and https://substrate-ui.parity.io origins.
/// When running in --dev mode the default is to allow all origins.
#[structopt(long = "rpc-cors", value_name = "ORIGINS", parse(try_from_str = "parse_cors"))]
pub rpc_cors: Option<Cors>,