I want to hide the header (Menu) of my Website for some page
Example: When I open the first page of my site I find just a small portal
If I click on home it will show me the home page with the normal Header (Menu)
What are the steps to follow?
Thanks for all i find solution it's easy to create a template for the homepage without the call of website.layout
for exemple the normal Template for website :
<template id="index" name="home page">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div id="wrap" class="js_blog website_blog">
<t t-raw="0"/>
<p> Home page </p>
if without the header and the footer with a completely white page:
<template id="index" name="home page">
<div id="wrap" class="js_blog website_blog">
<t t-raw="0" />
<p> Home page </p>
..... add what you want