I am using jqGrid and PHP.
I have two combo Boxes in my jqGrid. I want to change the second combo Box Value when I select a value from the first one while I am adding a new row or Editing a previous one using Form in my jqGrid.
Is it possible in jqGrid?
I am assuming that your both combo boxes uses database for their data.
In the first combobox's editoptions please use the following code:
editoptions: {
value: "1:One;2:Two",
dataEvents: [{
type: "change",
fn: function(e) {
$("#your_grid").setColProp("second_combo", {
editoptions: { value: "-1:--Select One--"}
var v = parseInt($(e.target).val(), 10);
url: "path/to/your/controller/"+v,
dataType: "html",
success: function(data) {
if ($(e.target).is(".FormElement")) {
var form = $(e.target).closest("form.FormGrid");
$("select#second_combo.FormElement", form[0]).html(data);
else {
// inline editing
var row = $(e.target).closest("tr.jqgrow");
var rowId = row.attr("id");
$("select#" + rowId + "_second_combo", row[0]).html(data);
Now in your Add and Edit Options of your Grid use the following:
Your controller should return data in the following syntax:
<option value="val">Display</option>
As much as you need.
Hope it will be helpful for you.