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How to delete completed kubernetes pod?

I have a bunch of pods in kubernetes which are completed (successfully or unsuccessfully) and I'd like to clean up the output of kubectl get pods. Here's what I see when I run kubectl get pods:

NAME                                           READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
intent-insights-aws-org-73-ingest-391c9384     0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          8d
intent-postgres-f6dfcddcc-5qwl7                1/1     Running            0          23h
redis-scheduler-dev-master-0                   1/1     Running            0          10h
redis-scheduler-dev-metrics-85b45bbcc7-ch24g   1/1     Running            0          6d
redis-scheduler-dev-slave-74c7cbb557-dmvfg     1/1     Running            0          10h
redis-scheduler-dev-slave-74c7cbb557-jhqwx     1/1     Running            0          5d
scheduler-5f48b845b6-d5p4s                     2/2     Running            0          36m
snapshot-169-5af87b54                          0/1     Completed          0          20m
snapshot-169-8705f77c                          0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-169-be6f4774                          0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-169-ce9a8946                          0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-169-d3099b06                          0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          24m
snapshot-204-50714c88                          0/1     Completed          0          21m
snapshot-204-7c86df5a                          0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-204-87f35e36                          0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          26m
snapshot-204-b3a4c292                          0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-204-c3d90db6                          0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-245-3c9a7226                          0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          28m
snapshot-245-45a907a0                          0/1     Completed          0          21m
snapshot-245-71911b06                          0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-245-a8f5dd5e                          0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-245-b9132236                          0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-76-1e515338                           0/1     Completed          0          22m
snapshot-76-4a7d9a30                           0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-76-9e168c9e                           0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-76-ae510372                           0/1     Completed          0          1h
snapshot-76-f166eb18                           0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          30m
train-169-65f88cec                             0/1     Error              0          20m
train-169-9c92f72a                             0/1     Error              0          1h
train-169-c935fc84                             0/1     Error              0          1h
train-169-d9593f80                             0/1     Error              0          1h
train-204-70729e42                             0/1     Error              0          20m
train-204-9203be3e                             0/1     Error              0          1h
train-204-d3f2337c                             0/1     Error              0          1h
train-204-e41a3e88                             0/1     Error              0          1h
train-245-7b65d1f2                             0/1     Error              0          19m
train-245-a7510d5a                             0/1     Error              0          1h
train-245-debf763e                             0/1     Error              0          1h
train-245-eec1908e                             0/1     Error              0          1h
train-76-86381784                              0/1     Completed          0          19m
train-76-b1fdc202                              0/1     Error              0          1h
train-76-e972af06                              0/1     Error              0          1h
train-76-f993c8d8                              0/1     Completed          0          1h
webserver-7fc9c69f4d-mnrjj                     2/2     Running            0          36m
worker-6997bf76bd-kvjx4                        2/2     Running            0          25m
worker-6997bf76bd-prxbg                        2/2     Running            0          36m

and I'd like to get rid of the pods like train-204-d3f2337c. How can I do that?


  • You can do this a bit easier, now.

    You can list all completed pods by:

    kubectl get pod --field-selector=status.phase==Succeeded

    delete all completed pods by:

    kubectl delete pod --field-selector=status.phase==Succeeded

    and delete all errored pods by:

    kubectl delete pod --field-selector=status.phase==Failed