App Maker apps created directly from the App Maker app ( or from Google Drive by clicking on New button, then on More > Google App Maker are listed on My Unit, Recent and when they are created by others and shared with me on Shared with me. What I'm looking for is to use the type
search operator on the Google Drive UI to find all my/shared with me App Maker apps.
Contrary as occurs with other file types, App Maker type it's not listed on the Advanced Search file type dropdown as it happens with Google Apps Script standalone projects but with this kind of files we could use type:script
I already tried:
I already know that I could use the Google Drive Advanced Service / API to search files by using the Mime Type (application/
) but I would like to do this directly from the Google Drive UI. Is this possible?
This is not really an appmaker question, however to answer your question directly... you can use this on the search bar:
app:"Google App Maker"