I wish I could decide on which queue to go to work. This is because if the job is scheduled by the server (cronjob) it must be run on a slow queue, if instead it is run by the user it will go on a fast queue. How can I run this in Resque?
MyJob.perform_later(id, :fast)
Rake task
MyJob.perform_later(id, :slow)
class MyJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default #<-- This has to be dynamic
def perform(item_id, queue_name)
I see you are using ActiveJob
, you can set the queue by using set
MyJob.set(queue: :fast).perform_later(id)
Rake task
MyJob.set(queue: :slow).perform_later(id)
method allows you to set more thing than just queue, you can also set eg priority or when should job be performed. See the documentation https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.2.3/classes/ActiveJob/Core/ClassMethods.html#method-i-set
Note: I presume, you already have slow and fast Resque queues in place and running and only want to use them