I have a QlistWidgets with some data in it and QlineEdit. I want if QlistWidgets item is clicked it should show in QlineEdit. Below is the screenshots
and this is my link to the my project https://github.com/saurav389/Smart_Payroll_Management/blob/master/Department.py
I have tried in pyqt5 on windows
This is My code which add item from database
connection = sqlite3.connect('NewEmployee.db')
c = connection.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT Department FROM Department')
count = 0
for row in c.fetchall():
item = self.listWidget_DepartView.item(count)
raw = str(row).replace("('", "").replace("',)", "")
item.setText(_translate("Dialog", raw))
count = count + 1
QListWidget has a signal called itemClicked()
that carries the item that you can use to get the associated text:
# ...
# ...
def on_clicked(self, item):
Another possible solution is to use the clicked() signal from QAbstractItemView since QListWidget inherits from that class.
# ...
# ...
def on_clicked(self, index):