I was following the tutorial on Magma from the awesome Seaside book and at one point my image got stuck completely. I was in the debugger at that moment and I've tried to run "inspect it" on ToDoDB root
part of the following snippet:
ToDoDB createDB.
ToDoDB commit: [ ToDoDB root add: ToDoItem new ].
ToDoDB release.
After that my image stopped responding to anything.
I'm kind of curious why Magma behaved that way on inspect action, but I'm more interested in learning what are my options for fixing this issue? Should I just throw out this image and start from scratch? Can I send some OS signal to the VM to kill the active thread or something? Smalltalk newbie here.
Try sending an interrupt. See http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/899 for the shortcut for your platform (i.e. underlying OS).
Also, you probably mean "throw out this image" instead of "this VM". Pharo By Example is a great free resource for Smalltalk basics like image vs. changes file vs. VM