I'm new to this. Is it possible to filter ArrayList's "one part"?
In my UserDto.kt file I have defined my data class:
data class UserDto (val mainWordSplit: String, val defnSplit: String)
Now in my MainActivity.kt file I have created ArrayList with UserDto type and put things inside:
private var enPairs = ArrayList<UserDto>()
var onePair = UserDto(mainWordSplit, defnSplit)
where mainWordSplit and defnSplit are Strings.
Now I want to filter through "enPairs" considering only "mainWordSplit" part of the list. Do I have to make another list of only mainWordSplit items, filter it and then remember indexes or is there another way?
Kotlin has a extension function that you can use - filter
Here's an example:
enPairs.filter { it.mainWordsSplit == "whatever you want to keep " }