Search code examples

Is it possible to have tag suggestion in ctags while searching for a tag?

I am using exuberent-ctags with vim 8.0. While searching for a tag with a long name, I'd like to have a list of suggestions having the typed string as the sub-string when I use the :ta command. What I want is to have a feature like Sublime's Ctrl+P, that allows you to search for a symbol. Is it possible to achieve the same with ctags?


  • The tag completion should work out-of-the-box by hitting Tab key. You may also want to set the option set wildmenu to prefer to show the results in the popup menu.

    Also, make sure to read :h 'wildmode' to select the most appropriate menu mode for you (set wildmode=longest:full?)

    Also read :h cmdline_completion to find a few other useful key combinations, such as Ctrl-D.