I am building an API Gateway and a bunch of microservices to run my company. I have elected to use PHP as it is what I have the most experience with.
Local Setup: Opensuse Tumbleweed, PHPStorm, php7.3, SQLite, docker Remote Setup: GKE, PHP7.3 Percona Xtra DB and Docker
I am using Laravels Lumen Framework 5.8.
My gateway communicates with the microservices via Guzzle6 Http Client and locally works great. When it is pushed to the cluster using Gitlab to run a ci/cd pipeline to compile it as a docker image and deploy it to Kubernetes on Google Cloud.
I have tried switching between "" and '', I have rewritten the entire code, I have looked over the Guzzle Documentation, I have read many stack overflow questions of similar behaviour in docker
public function updateCustomer(Request $request, $customer)
return $this->successResponse($this->customerService->updateCustomer($request->all(), $customer));
public function deleteCustomer($customer)
return $this->successResponse($this->customerService->deleteCustomer($customer));
public function createCustomer($data)
return $this->performRequest('POST','', $data);
public function getCustomer($customer)
return $this->performRequest('GET', "/{$customer}");
public function updateCustomer($data, $customer)
return $this->performRequest('PUT', "{$customer}", $data);
public function deleteCustomer($customer)
return $this->performRequest('DELETE', "{$customer}");
public function performRequest($method, $requestUrl, $formParams = [], $headers = [])
$client = new Client([
'base_uri' => $this->baseUri,
$response = $client->request($method, $requestUrl, ['form_params' => $formParams, 'headers' => $headers]);
return $response->getBody()->getContents();
Endpoints Locally: - GET /contacts WORKS! - POST /contacts WORKS! - GET /contacts/(contacts UUID identifier) WORKS! - PUT/PATCH /contacts/(contacts UUID identifier) WORKS! - DELETE /contacts/(contacts UUID identifier) WORKS!
Endpoints Production: - GET /contacts WORKS! - POST /contacts WORKS! - GET /contacts/(contacts UUID identifier) FAILS! - PUT/PATCH /contacts/(contacts UUID identifier) FAILS! - DELETE /contacts/(contacts UUID identifier) FAILS!
Sentry Bug Tracker shows GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException cURL error 3: (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)
when looking at the URL on sentry the base URI is getting ignored on the endpoints that are failing but this doesn't happen on my local machine.
The url doesn't contain the protocol(http
) adding this will fix the malformed url error.
Final url: