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MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage deprecated

I used to save images using MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage but insertImage method is now deprecated. The docs say:

This method was deprecated in API level 29. inserting of images should be performed using MediaColumns#IS_PENDING, which offers richer control over lifecycle.

I don't really get it, since MediaColumns.IS_PENDING is just a flag, how am I supposed to use it?

Should I use ContentValues ?



    The code suggested from @CommonsWare has no problem, except the fact that if you are programming with targetSdkVersion 29, you must add the condition:

    val contentValues = ContentValues().apply {
                put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, System.currentTimeMillis().toString())
                put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg")
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) { //this one
                    put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH, relativeLocation)
                    put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.IS_PENDING, 1)