I am implementing subscription model to my app and I prepared everything. I created a Monthly Subscription product and a Yearly. Also I add a promotional offer for Monthly product. The promotional offer is 1 week free trial.
When I try to purchase the monthly product, It is starting monthly subscription immediately. How can I provide start with trial offer first?
let payment = SKPayment(product: MonthlyProduct)
Also When I was fetching available products, Only came 2 product (Monthly and Yearly). I know free trial offer under the Monthly product but I couldn't find how to purchase free trial offer.
I found How can I do payment request subscription product with trial period. I have to set payment's paymentDiscount
with a SKPaymentDiscount
let payment = SKPayment(product: product)
payment.paymentDiscount = SKPaymentDiscount(identifier: <String>, keyIdentifier: <String>, nonce: <UUID>, signature: <String>, timestamp: <NSNumber>)
Before we can apply the offer we need to convert our SKProductDiscount into an SKPaymentDiscount. The init method for SKPaymentDiscount provides some clue to what we’ll need to achieve that:
You can find full process this tutorial