I have made a game called Tic Tac Toe it is a 2 player game and it is when you have etheir get 3 Xs or 3 Os in a row or diagonally.
from guizero import *
empty = ' '
player = "X"
def clicked(z):
button = buttonlist[int(z)] # Finds out which button was pressed
global empty, player
if button.text != empty:
pass # If button already pushed do nothing
# Marks button with user's go
button.text = player
# Switches players
if player == "X":
player = "O"
player = "X"
app = App(title="Tic Tac Toe", layout="grid", width=200, height=200)
buttonlist = [] # Empty list to contain a list of Buttons
text_box = TextBox(app, text="enter username", align="top")
# Create Buttons for game, in 3 rows of 3
for y in range(3):
for x in range(3):
z = (3*y) + x
buttonlist.append(PushButton(app, text=empty,
args=str(z), grid=[y, x], command=clicked))
The problem that I am having is when I put in the line:
text_box = TextBox(app, text="enter username", align="top")
The game still opens up but I get an error saying:
*** GUIZERO WARNING *** [TextBox] object with text "enter username" will not be displayed because it has a missing grid reference.
So could some one please help me fix this.
The doc says you need to pass the grid position when you use a grid layout : https://lawsie.github.io/guizero/layout/#grid-layout
Here is an example of the parameter you can pass:
# this will display the textbox after the buttons
text_box = TextBox(app, text="enter username", align="top",grid=[0,4,3,1])
# 0 : column position (x)
# 4 : row position (y)
# 3 : span 3 columns (x span)
# 1 : span 1 row (y span)
If you want to display the 2 textbox on top, you can move all positions in the loop :
text_box = TextBox(app, text="enter username", align="top", grid=[0, 0, 3, 1])
text_box2 = TextBox(app, text="enter username2", align="top", grid=[0, 1, 3, 1])
for x in range(3):
for y in range(2, 5):
buttonlist.append(PushButton(app, text=empty, args=str(z), grid=[x, y], command=clicked))