I am creating a struct for my game in Unreal Engine. I was trying to make my struct universal for storing references to static meshes and skeletal meshes. My gut tells me there is a common parent between static mesh and skeletal mesh from there I could cast to the one I am expecting on my particular object(s). My question is if they do have a common parent, what is it? Otherwise, any other possible solutions would be appreciated.
Note: I am referring to the actual Static and Skeletal Mesh Objects NOT the Static and Skeletal Mesh Components/Actors
From StaticMesh.h:
class UStaticMesh : public UObject, public IInterface_CollisionDataProvider, public IInterface_AssetUserData
From SkeletalMesh.h:
class ENGINE_API USkeletalMesh : public UObject, public IInterface_CollisionDataProvider, public IInterface_AssetUserData, public INodeMappingProviderInterface