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How can you show the rownames in pheatmap on the left side of the graph?

I am making a heatmap using the pheatmap package in R. By default the rownames are shown on the right side of the heatmap. Does anyone know how to move them to the left side?

Some other packages seem to have functions for this, like row_names_side = "left" in heatmap, but there does not seem to be a parameter for this in pheatmap… An example with random data

# Color palette for the heatmap
colors = c(seq(-5,-1,length=1000),seq(-.999999,.999999,length=1000),seq(1, 5,length=1000))
my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(n = 2999)

data.random <- data.frame(matrix(data=rnorm(150), ncol=15, nrow=10))
rownames(data.random) <- letters[1:10]
colnames(data.random) <- LETTERS[1:15]
h <- pheatmap(data.random,

This produces a heatmap with the row and column labels. I would like to make the same plot but with the row labels on the left instead of the right.


  • Here is a solution based on the following modified functions: pheatmap:::draw_rownames, pheatmap:::lo, pheatmap:::heatmap_motor.

    colors = c(seq(-5,-1,length=1000),seq(-.999999,.999999,length=1000),seq(1, 5,length=1000))
    my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(n = 2999)
    data.random <- data.frame(matrix(data=rnorm(150), ncol=15, nrow=10))
    rownames(data.random) <- letters[1:10]
    colnames(data.random) <- LETTERS[1:15]
    # Modified pheatmap:::heatmap_motor
    heatmap_motor <- function (matrix, border_color, cellwidth, cellheight, tree_col, 
        tree_row, treeheight_col, treeheight_row, filename, width, 
        height, breaks, color, legend, annotation_row, annotation_col, 
        annotation_colors, annotation_legend, annotation_names_row, 
        annotation_names_col, main, fontsize, fontsize_row, fontsize_col, 
        hjust_col, vjust_col, angle_col, fmat, fontsize_number, number_color, 
        gaps_col, gaps_row, labels_row, labels_col, ...) 
        lo = pheatmap:::lo(coln = labels_col, rown = labels_row, nrow = nrow(matrix), 
            ncol = ncol(matrix), cellwidth = cellwidth, cellheight = cellheight, 
            treeheight_col = treeheight_col, treeheight_row = treeheight_row, 
            legend = legend, annotation_col = annotation_col, annotation_row = annotation_row, 
            annotation_colors = annotation_colors, annotation_legend = annotation_legend, 
            annotation_names_row = annotation_names_row, annotation_names_col = annotation_names_col, 
            main = main, fontsize = fontsize, fontsize_row = fontsize_row, 
            fontsize_col = fontsize_col, angle_col = angle_col, gaps_row = gaps_row, 
            gaps_col = gaps_col, ...)
        res = lo$gt
        mindim = lo$mindim
        if (! {
            if ( {
                height = convertHeight(gtable_height(res), "inches", valueOnly = T)
            if ( {
                width = convertWidth(gtable_width(res), "inches", valueOnly = T)
            r = regexpr("\\.[a-zA-Z]*$", filename)
            if (r == -1) 
                stop("Improper filename")
            ending = substr(filename, r + 1, r + attr(r, "match.length"))
            f = switch(ending, pdf = function(x, ...) pdf(x, ...), 
                png = function(x, ...) png(x, units = "in", res = 300, 
                    ...), jpeg = function(x, ...) jpeg(x, units = "in", 
                    res = 300, ...), jpg = function(x, ...) jpeg(x, 
                    units = "in", res = 300, ...), tiff = function(x, 
                    ...) tiff(x, units = "in", res = 300, compression = "lzw", 
                    ...), bmp = function(x, ...) bmp(x, units = "in", 
                    res = 300, ...), stop("File type should be: pdf, png, bmp, jpg, tiff"))
            f(filename, height = height, width = width)
            gt = heatmap_motor(matrix, cellwidth = cellwidth, cellheight = cellheight, 
                border_color = border_color, tree_col = tree_col, 
                tree_row = tree_row, treeheight_col = treeheight_col, 
                treeheight_row = treeheight_row, breaks = breaks, 
                color = color, legend = legend, annotation_col = annotation_col, 
                annotation_row = annotation_row, annotation_colors = annotation_colors, 
                annotation_legend = annotation_legend, annotation_names_row = annotation_names_row, 
                annotation_names_col = annotation_names_col, filename = NA, 
                main = main, fontsize = fontsize, fontsize_row = fontsize_row, 
                fontsize_col = fontsize_col, hjust_col = hjust_col, 
                vjust_col = vjust_col, angle_col = angle_col, fmat = fmat, 
                fontsize_number = fontsize_number, number_color = number_color, 
                labels_row = labels_row, labels_col = labels_col, 
                gaps_col = gaps_col, gaps_row = gaps_row, ...)
        if (mindim < 3) 
            border_color = NA
        if (! {
            elem = pheatmap:::draw_main(main, fontsize = 1.3 * fontsize, ...)
            res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 1, l = 3, name = "main", 
                clip = "off")
        if (!pheatmap:::is.na2(tree_col) & treeheight_col != 0) {
            elem = pheatmap:::draw_dendrogram(tree_col, gaps_col, horizontal = T)
            res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 2, l = 3, name = "col_tree")
        if (!pheatmap:::is.na2(tree_row) & treeheight_row != 0) {
            elem = pheatmap:::draw_dendrogram(tree_row, gaps_row, horizontal = F)
            res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 1, name = "row_tree")
        elem = pheatmap:::draw_matrix(matrix, border_color, gaps_row, gaps_col, 
            fmat, fontsize_number, number_color)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 3, clip = "off", 
            name = "matrix")
        if (length(labels_col) != 0) {
            pars = list(labels_col, gaps = gaps_col, fontsize = fontsize_col, 
                hjust_col = hjust_col, vjust_col = vjust_col, angle_col = angle_col, 
            elem =, pars)
            res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 5, l = 3, clip = "off", 
                name = "col_names")
        if (length(labels_row) != 0) {
            pars = list(labels_row, gaps = gaps_row, fontsize = fontsize_row, 
            elem =, pars)
            res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 3, clip = "off", 
                name = "row_names")
        if (!pheatmap:::is.na2(annotation_col)) {
            converted_annotation = convert_annotations(annotation_col, 
            elem = pheatmap:::draw_annotations(converted_annotation, border_color, 
                gaps_col, fontsize, horizontal = T)
            res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 3, l = 3, clip = "off", 
                name = "col_annotation")
            if (annotation_names_col) {
                elem = pheatmap:::draw_annotation_names(annotation_col, fontsize, 
                    horizontal = T)
                res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 3, l = 4, clip = "off", 
                    name = "col_annotation_names")
        if (!pheatmap:::is.na2(annotation_row)) {
            converted_annotation = convert_annotations(annotation_row, 
            elem = pheatmap:::draw_annotations(converted_annotation, border_color, 
                gaps_row, fontsize, horizontal = F)
            res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 2, clip = "off", 
                name = "row_annotation")
            if (annotation_names_row) {
                elem = pheatmap:::draw_annotation_names(annotation_row, fontsize, 
                    horizontal = F, hjust_col = hjust_col, vjust_col = vjust_col, 
                    angle_col = angle_col)
                res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 5, l = 2, clip = "off", 
                    name = "row_annotation_names")
        annotation = c(annotation_col[length(annotation_col):1], 
        annotation = annotation[unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) !pheatmap:::is.na2(x)))]
        if (length(annotation) > 0 & annotation_legend) {
            elem = pheatmap:::draw_annotation_legend(annotation, annotation_colors, 
                border_color, fontsize = fontsize, ...)
            t = ifelse(is.null(labels_row), 4, 3)
            res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = t, l = 6, b = 5, 
                clip = "off", name = "annotation_legend")
        if (!pheatmap:::is.na2(legend)) {
            elem = pheatmap:::draw_legend(color, breaks, legend, fontsize = fontsize, 
            t = ifelse(is.null(labels_row), 4, 3)
            res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = t, l = 5, b = 5, 
                clip = "off", name = "legend")
    # Modified pheatmap:::lo    
    lo <- function (rown, coln, nrow, ncol, cellheight = NA, cellwidth = NA, 
        treeheight_col, treeheight_row, legend, annotation_row, annotation_col, 
        annotation_colors, annotation_legend, annotation_names_row, 
        annotation_names_col, main, fontsize, fontsize_row, fontsize_col, 
        angle_col, gaps_row, gaps_col, ...) 
        if (!is.null(coln[1]) | (!pheatmap:::is.na2(annotation_row) & annotation_names_row)) {
            if (!is.null(coln[1])) {
                t = coln
            else {
                t = ""
            tw = strwidth(t, units = "in", cex = fontsize_col/fontsize)
            if (annotation_names_row) {
                t = c(t, colnames(annotation_row))
                tw = c(tw, strwidth(colnames(annotation_row), units = "in"))
            longest_coln = which.max(tw)
            gp = list(fontsize = ifelse(longest_coln <= length(coln), 
                fontsize_col, fontsize), ...)
            coln_height = unit(1, "grobheight", textGrob(t[longest_coln], 
                rot = angle_col, gp =, gp))) + unit(10, 
        else {
            coln_height = unit(5, "bigpts")
        if (!is.null(rown[1])) {
            t = rown
            tw = strwidth(t, units = "in", cex = fontsize_row/fontsize)
            if (annotation_names_col) {
                t = c(t, colnames(annotation_col))
                tw = c(tw, strwidth(colnames(annotation_col), units = "in"))
            longest_rown = which.max(tw)
            gp = list(fontsize = ifelse(longest_rown <= length(rown), 
                fontsize_row, fontsize), ...)
            rown_width = unit(1, "grobwidth", textGrob(t[longest_rown], 
                rot = 0, gp =, gp))) + unit(10, "bigpts")
        else {
            rown_width = unit(5, "bigpts")
        gp = list(fontsize = fontsize, ...)
        if (!pheatmap:::is.na2(legend)) {
            longest_break = which.max(nchar(names(legend)))
            longest_break = unit(1.1, "grobwidth", 
                gp =, gp)))
            title_length = unit(1.1, "grobwidth", textGrob("Scale", 
                gp = gpar(fontface = "bold", ...)))
            legend_width = unit(12, "bigpts") + longest_break * 1.2
            legend_width = max(title_length, legend_width)
        else {
            legend_width = unit(0, "bigpts")
        if ( {
            main_height = unit(0, "npc")
        else {
            main_height = unit(1.5, "grobheight", textGrob(main, 
                gp = gpar(fontsize = 1.3 * fontsize, ...)))
        textheight = unit(fontsize, "bigpts")
        if (!pheatmap:::is.na2(annotation_col)) {
            annot_col_height = ncol(annotation_col) * (textheight + 
                unit(2, "bigpts")) + unit(2, "bigpts")
            t = c(as.vector(as.matrix(annotation_col)), colnames(annotation_col))
            annot_col_legend_width = unit(1.2, "grobwidth", textGrob(t[which.max(nchar(t))], 
                gp = gpar(...))) + unit(12, "bigpts")
            if (!annotation_legend) {
                annot_col_legend_width = unit(0, "npc")
        else {
            annot_col_height = unit(0, "bigpts")
            annot_col_legend_width = unit(0, "bigpts")
        if (!pheatmap:::is.na2(annotation_row)) {
            annot_row_width = ncol(annotation_row) * (textheight + 
                unit(2, "bigpts")) + unit(2, "bigpts")
            t = c(as.vector(as.matrix(annotation_row)), colnames(annotation_row))
            annot_row_legend_width = unit(1.2, "grobwidth", textGrob(t[which.max(nchar(t))], 
                gp = gpar(...))) + unit(12, "bigpts")
            if (!annotation_legend) {
                annot_row_legend_width = unit(0, "npc")
        else {
            annot_row_width = unit(0, "bigpts")
            annot_row_legend_width = unit(0, "bigpts")
        annot_legend_width = max(annot_row_legend_width, annot_col_legend_width)
        treeheight_col = unit(treeheight_col, "bigpts") + unit(5, 
        treeheight_row = unit(treeheight_row, "bigpts") + unit(5, 
        if ( {
            mat_width = unit(1, "npc") - rown_width - legend_width - 
                treeheight_row - annot_row_width - annot_legend_width
        else {
            mat_width = unit(cellwidth * ncol, "bigpts") + length(gaps_col) * 
                unit(4, "bigpts")
        if ( {
            mat_height = unit(1, "npc") - main_height - coln_height - 
                treeheight_col - annot_col_height
        else {
            mat_height = unit(cellheight * nrow, "bigpts") + length(gaps_row) * 
                unit(4, "bigpts")
        gt = gtable(widths = unit.c(treeheight_row, rown_width,  
            mat_width, treeheight_row, legend_width, annot_legend_width), 
            heights = unit.c(main_height, treeheight_col, annot_col_height, 
                mat_height, coln_height), vp = viewport(gp =, 
        cw = convertWidth(mat_width - (length(gaps_col) * unit(4, 
            "bigpts")), "bigpts", valueOnly = T)/ncol
        ch = convertHeight(mat_height - (length(gaps_row) * unit(4, 
            "bigpts")), "bigpts", valueOnly = T)/nrow
        mindim = min(cw, ch)
        res = list(gt = gt, mindim = mindim)
    # Modified pheatmap:::draw_rownames      
    draw_rownames <- function (rown, gaps, ...) 
        coord = pheatmap:::find_coordinates(length(rown), gaps)
        y = unit(1, "npc") - (coord$coord - 0.5 * coord$size)
        res = textGrob(rown, x = unit(-3, "bigpts"), y = y, vjust = 0.5, 
            hjust = 1, gp = gpar(...))
    assignInNamespace(x="draw_rownames", value=draw_rownames, ns="pheatmap")
    assignInNamespace(x="lo", value=lo, ns="pheatmap")
    assignInNamespace(x="heatmap_motor", value=heatmap_motor, ns="pheatmap") 
    h <- pheatmap(data.random,

    enter image description here