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Handling up button in Android navigation component

I have two fragments A & B inside a main activity set up with the Android Navigation Component. Fragment A contains a recyclerView in which an item click will navigate to Fragment B.

The issue is when I click the up button inside Fragment B, it will not navigate back to Fragment A but will reload Fragment B instead. It will only navigate back on a second click. Same behaviour with the back button.

Once I manage to navigate back to Fragment A, when I click on an item to go to Fragment B, i get this exception thrown :

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: navigation destination com.example.sampleapp:id/action_accountSelectionFragment_to_cameraSelectionFragment is unknown to this NavController

Is this a known bug of the latest versions ? I'm on 2.2.0-alpha01

Here is how I've implemented navigation :


override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val navController = findNavController(

override fun onSupportNavigateUp() = 

FragmentA : the callback method that is called when I click on an item in my recyclerView

private fun goToCameraSelectionActivity(accountId: Int, accountName: String) {
            AccountSelectionFragmentDirections.actionAccountSelectionFragmentToCameraSelectionFragment(accountName, accountId)

I have tried playing with 'popTo' but the problem remains the same.


  • Problem was fixed after I called

        AccountSelectionFragmentDirections.actionAccountSelectionFragmentToCameraSelectionFragment(accountName, accountId)

    in my adapter onClickListener instead on after going through the loop of my MVI architecture (click -> intent -> state -> navigate ).

    There seems to be a timing issue with the component.