We are creating a Google Cloud Tasks queue (v2beta3) with the rate limit config set however this rate limit config is being ignored and instead it uses Googles defaults:
cloud_tasks_res = await tasksClient.createQueue({
parent: `projects/PROJECT-ID/locations/LOCATION`,
queue: {
name: `projects/PROJECT-ID/locations/LOCATION/queues/myqueue`,
rateLimits: {
maxTasksDispatchedPerSecond: 100,
maxConcurrentTasks: 50
retryConfig: {
maxAttempts: 150,
maxRetryDuration: { seconds: 0, nanos: 0 },
minBackoff: { seconds: 15, nanos: 0 },
maxBackoff: { seconds: 43200, nanos: 0 },
maxDoublings: 13
With cloud_tasks_res
name: `projects/PROJECT-ID/locations/LOCATION/queues/myqueue`,
purgeTime: null,
rateLimits: {
maxBurstSize: 100,
maxConcurrentDispatches: 1000,
maxDispatchesPerSecond: 500
retryConfig: {
maxAttempts: 150,
maxBackoff: { nanos: 0, seconds: "43200" },
maxDoublings: 13,
maxRetryDuration: null,
minBackoff: { nanos: 0, seconds: "15" }
stackdriverLoggingConfig: null,
state: "RUNNING"
As per the documentation how we've done it looks correct: https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/tasks/latest/v2beta3.CloudTasksClient.html#createQueue https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/tasks/latest/google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.html#.RateLimits
You don't have the fields specified correctly:
needs to be maxDispatchesPerSecond
needs to be maxConcurrentDispatches