I try to load an image into a canvas.
In the template
<canvas #myca id="mycanvas" style="width: 600px; height; 600px; border: 2px red solid;" (mousedown)="mdown ($event)"></canvas>
In the component
@ViewChild('myca', {static: false}) myca: ElementRef <HTMLCanvasElement>;
ngOnInit ()
// ctx by id works!
//var ctx = (<HTMLCanvasElement> document.getElementById('mycanvas')).getContext('2d');
// ctx by ElementRef fails!
var ctx = this.myca.nativeElement.getContext('2d');
var img1 = new Image();
img1.src = "http://any_img_you_want.jpg";
img1.onload = function ()
ctx.drawImage (img1, 0, 0);
If I get the ctx by the id it works. If I do it by the ElementRef it fails. Whats the problem here?
I found out the reason.
In newer Angular versions the ViewChild Decorator needs 2nd parameter. With only one I would get a typescript error.
If I change the static flag from false to true it works.
No special casting is needed.
@ViewChild('myca', {static: true}) myca: ElementRef;
var ctx = this.myca.nativeElement.getContext ("2d");