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Issue with generating XML file from SQL Server using BCP

I am trying to generate XML file from the view using BCP. View has around 21M records. When I try to generates XML, BCP generate empty file. I checked this process with around 4M records and it works fine.

Please refer below code:

DECLARE @bcpCommand VARCHAR(8000), @FileName VARCHAR(100) = 'Customer_20190830.xml';
SET @bcpCommand
    = 'bcp "SELECT CAST(''<?xml version=""1.0"" ?>'' AS VARCHAR(100)) + CAST((SELECT * FROM dbo.vw_CustomersFOR XML PATH (''Customer''), TYPE, ROOT(''Customers'')) AS VARCHAR(MAX));" queryout E:\Share\Customer\'
      + @FileName + ' -S -d Test-T -c';
PRINT @bcpCommand;
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand;

Is there any upper limit to writing XML object from SQL Server? Is the any work around? I don't want to generate multiple files.


  • That loads the whole table into a nvarchar(max) and sends that to the client. It's not an infinitely-scalable approach.

    Here's how to stream arbitrary amounts of XML to a file using PowerShell:

    # for xml query, not using the TYPE directive, for streaming large results
    $sql = "select * from sys.objects for xml path, root('root')"
    $fn = "c:\temp\output.xml"
    $constr = "Server=localhost;Database=tempdb;integrated security=true"
    $con = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $con.ConnectionString = $constr 
    $cmd = $con.CreateCommand()
    $cmd.CommandTimeout = 0
    $cmd.CommandText = $sql
    $xr = $cmd.ExecuteXmlReader()
    $fs = [System.IO.File]::OpenWrite($fn)
    $xw = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($fs)